West Bay Discovery Centre, West Bay, Bridport, DT6 4EN.

Update April 2018

Published by Editor on

The building work on the West Bay Discovery Centre is progressing well and the plan to complete the building work by June is still on course. The latest images taken last week  show lots of scaffolding still in place. Once this has been removed the committee will at long last have a chance to see the impact that the works have had on the inside of the building.

In the meantime there has been a great deal of work on the designs for the interior and we have been very grateful for the help we have had from local residents in providing with additional information and stories about West Bay. There are so many wonderful stories and ideas to encourage further exploration, that it has been such a challenge to fit as much as we would like in the limited space!

We were delighted to be given £500 from West Bay Days, which will be used to finance the Fra Newbery shipyard print.  Over 350 vessels were produced in the shipyard between 1769 – 1879 but there are only a couple of images which show us what it actually looked like.

We have launched our campaign to recruit a manager for the Centre and the advert and role profile will shortly be on this site.



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