West Bay Discovery Centre, West Bay, Bridport, DT6 4EN.

Help us find the mice!

Published by Editor on

We have always welcomed visitors on Boxing Day and the week between Christmas and New Year but sadly this year due to Covid we won’t be opening.

West Bay wallow

As many of our visitors will be missing the Boxing Day Swim, we couldn’t let you also miss our annual Mouse Hunt which is always popular with all ages. While we were all enjoying our Christmas food some naughty mice have escaped and are running around outside West Bay Discovery Centre. Can you help us find them quickly ?

Can you find the 10 hidden mice?

West Bay Mouse Hunt

Oh no, you weren’t fast enough they have disappeared into the building! It is going to be difficult to capture them inside!

Jurassic section

There are five hiding in our Jurassic Section can you see them?

Fishing section

There are another five in our fishing section too! Phew that’s good they are are all rounded up now.

Oh no, I can hear some scratching coming from the Ship Building section the Mouse Hunt must go on!

Ship building section

How many more can you see 1, 2 ,3 ,4, or 5?

Thank you for helping us catch those mice, we couldn’t have done it without you! Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, hopefully in 2021 we can enjoy discovering them together.

Categories: Latest news


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