What to look for in West Bay in September
The seasons are changing and the days are feeling more autumnal but there is still lots to discover as you wander around West Bay. This is what we have noticed, have you found anything special this month?

Rock Samphire is found growing around Bridport Harbour and in the shingle behind the Bridport Arms Hotel. It also covers large areas of West Cliff as can be seen here.

Sea Lavender with its pale purple flowers some of which are still in flower can cope well with the windy coastal locations.. They are several clumps growing close to the path on West Cliff.

Yellow toadflax is one plant that is still in flower. It looks very much like a snapdragon and is very popular with bees! Curiously it has also been used in lotions to help heal insect bites.

Lichens are made up of two or more closely interacting organisms. You can find many growing around West Bay when you start looking!

If you look around West Bay the late August storms resulted in many flowers and trees and bushes scorched by the strong salty sea winds or dying earlier that expected. The field along the coast path from West Bay to Eype contains Ragwort that is now all turning to seed.

The morning dew suddenly reveals the hidden Spiderwebs it is worth going for an early morning walk just to admire the beauty of them. Did you know that many spiders replace their web every day?

The hedgerows are currently laden with Blackberries and although they ripen from June-November, we always find them best at the same time as the apples are ripening. There is nothing like a homemade apple and blackberry pie!

Sadly not everything we discover on wanders around West Bay is lovely. During the summer there has been a growing problem of disposable masks being left on the ground or beach. Disposable face masks contribute to the problem of plastic pollution as it with a lifespan of 450 years. Please consider switching to masks made of material instead we now have some lovely home-made nautical ones in our shop.