West Bay memories exhibition
This winter the Centre’s is inviting its visitors to relive their “West Bay Memories” in a new exhibition.
The exhibition uses maps, photographs, stories and objects and films that have been shared with the Centre by local people and visitors. These capture a sense of West Bay in living memory and feature events such as happy family holidays. Less happy occasions like fires and floods are also remembered, along with local characters from days gone by, such as local fisherman and West Bay pilot, Frank Butt. There’s also a small selection of old West Bay holiday souvenirs from various eras and visitors are invited to consider “which one would you have taken home ?”
The exhibition presents an opportunity for local people to help preserve the history and stories of West Bay, there be one or two additional “open days” to enable them to come along a share their own stories and photographs and have them recorded by the Centre. The first of these is on Thursday 17th November (10-12am). For those who can’t make a visit in person the Centre encourages people to leave their memories on our website. The Discovery Centre is open Saturdays and Sundays 11am-4pm during November and over the Christmas holidays. There is no admission charge but donations from visitors are appreciated and help the Centre meet its running costs.